Rp 1,250,000.00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> Langsung kalibrasi.
> Harga sudah termasuk kalibrasi pertama kali dan pengiriman ke tempat tujuan.
> Jika menghendaki transaksi an. Perusahaan, maka harga masih belum termasuk ppn 10%. (Jika ingin transaksi resmi bukan pribadi).

Dimensions of A1 card
: 52.5 mm X 30.0 mm X 1.0 mm
Dimensions of hole on
A1 Plate : 12.0 mm dia
Dimensions of TLD Disc
: 13.3 mm dia
Characteristics of
CaSO4 : Dy Teflon TLD disc
Ratio of CaSO4 : Dy
and Teflon : 1: 3
Effective Atomic
Number (Z) : 15.1
Density of the TLD
Disc : 2.52 g/cm3
Softening Point of
Teflon : 330 o C
Main Glow Peak
Temperature : 230 o C
Sensitivity of TLD
Disc : About 30-40 times more than LiF TLD-100
Fading : 2-3% in six
Climactic Effect :
Effect of Sunlight :
Negligible when covered by paper wrapper & polythene pouch and loaded in
the badge
Useful Linear Dose
Range : 0.10 mSV to 20 SV (linearity within + 10%)
Reusability : 20
Beta Response : 60% of
60Co gammas for Nat.U (effective energy 0.8Mev)
Thermal Neutron
Response : 60Co gamma ray equivalent to 2.4 mGy per 1010 n/cm2
Fast Neutron Response
: Negligible

i. Disc D1- sandwiched
between a pair of filter combination of 1.0mm thick Cu (Copper filter nearer to
the disc).
ii. Disc D2-
sandwitched between a pair of 1.6mm thick (180mg/cm2) plastic filters and
iii. Disc D3- under a
circular open window.
Ø The asymmetric “V”
cut of the card permits its loading in the plastic cassette in only one
orientation and ensures proper positioning of three disc.
Ø For identification purposes, photograph of the user could also be permanently fixed on the central transparent region of the badge. Ø There are two types of TLD badges/ cassettes in use namely,
1. Chest Badge for
whole body monitoring and
2. Wrist Badge for
extremity dosimetry
Though the dosimeter and design of both TLD badges are same, they have different attachment (clip/strap) for wearing purpose depending on their use.

Dimensions :
Main Body :
Cu filter
(rectangular) : 32 mm x 16 mm x 1mm
A1 filter (circular) :
13.6 mm x thickness – 0.6 mm
Plastic filter
(rectangular) : 30.5 mm x 21 mm x 1.6 mm
Open window : Dia –
14.5 mm
Slider part :
Cu filter
(rectangular) : Dia – 15.6 mm, x thickness – 1 mm
A1 filter (circular) :
Dia – 12.6 mm, x thickness – 0.6 mm
Plastic filter
(rectangular) : Dia – 25 mm, x thickness – 1.5 mm
Open window : Dia –
13.5 mm