880 Delta Series Source Projectors

880 Delta Series Source Projectors

Product Information


Rp 135.000.000,00
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> Kondisi barang indent 6 minggu.
> Langsung kalibrasi.
> Harga sudah termasuk kalibrasi pertama kali dan pengiriman ke tempat tujuan.
> Jika menghendaki transaksi an. Perusahaan, maka harga masih belum termasuk ppn 10%. (Jika ingin transaksi resmi bukan pribadi).

Model 880 series source projectors are used for industrial applicationsof gamma radiography to inspect materials and structures in thedensity range of approximately 2.71 g/cm3 through 8.53 g/cm3.
SENTINELTM Model 880 Delta, 880 Elite and 880 Omega source projectors are portable, lightweight and compactindustrial radiographic exposure devices. The patenteddevice body consists of a titanium ‘S’ tube and castdepleted uranium (DU) shield contained within a 300series stainless steel tube with stainless steel discs weldedat each end forming a cylinder shaped housing. The discsare recessed to provide protection for the rear mountedlocking mechanism and front mounted outlet port.
The horizontally oriented design allows the locking mechanism, sourceassembly connector and outlet port to be easily operated, simplifyingconnection of source guide tubes and remote controls.
EXPOSURE DEVICE The exposure device body, containing the DU shield, locking mechanism, outlet port, protective covers and requiredlabels*, comprises the radioactive material transport Type B(U) package.
REMOVABLE JACKET An impact resistant plastic jacket surrounds the exposure device to protect labels and provide the means for carrying andplacement during radiographic operations. The three models are identified by jacket color; yellow for the 880 Delta, blue for the 880 Elite and orange for the 880 Omega.
*Multilingual labeling is available upon request.